Saturday, August 04, 2007

36 Follow Up

So, I have no idea what caused my birthday post to come up as August 2nd, my birthday is the 3rd. Anyway, it's corrected.

Walternatives - you were not bleated or belated. I had my own damn date wrong! Whoops!

I guess I am just getting old.

Our dinner was great. Lots of good Italian food. Even though my entree was delish, the olive bread was probably my favorite part of the dinner. We had good fun, and it was hilarious watching Noah dive into a meatball as big as his fist.

C elated us with the good news that her mom finally allowed her to shave her legs! Progress, people, progress!

All in all it was a good birthday. Lots of good wishes and some pretty sweet loot. On the gift front:

~My parents and my brother/SIL went together and bought me a new set of cookware. My pots and pans were totally ghetto and desperately needed replaced.

~Caroline gave me some Fiesta, a planter in turquoise and a groovy devilled egg platter in red. She also gave me a very soft, comfy nightgown, which I am wearing right now.

~My pal Lori gave me a funny card and a gift card to one of our local bookstores, Taylor Books, which is right down the street from our office. I think I am going to buy this.

~Finally, my sweet boy, B surprised me with this. It is glorious.


Polar Bear said...

Wow! Nothing says Happy Birthday better than a new Coach bag!!! :) What a guy. They day Ryan buys me a new Coach is the day H*ll freezes over. :) (I still love him.)

Nice cookware too! Sounds like the PERFECT birthday. :)

Special K said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Ooh La La...check out that bag!
Me jealous. Maybe I do need a husband after all....
Nah. I got a credit card. I'm good. LOL!

Glad you enjoyed your day.

Jenni said...

Happy Birthday! We share a birthday, yours sounded like a great day!

Project Ni Hao said...

Hokey smokes - THAT BAG! Glorious is right! Sounds like a wonderful day - hope your weekend is just as lovely.

wzgirl said...

Cool bag, bud! Were there any hints involved - or is your B just really, really chic?

aimeeg said...

Happy Birthday!!

Shannon said...

Happy Happy Birthday to us! LOVE that bag. Am v.v. jealous. =)

walternatives said...

Does B give lessons in how to be a rockin' husband? He SHOULD! Hope your birthday weekend was superb! And congrats to C on the smooth legs!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday to you! And many more!

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