Thursday, July 20, 2006

Random Questions

~Why is it that at least 2 times a year I forget the nausea and subsequent vomit-in-my-mouth taste I get every single time I eat anything from Capta'n D's? I'll get this wild hair that I really need to eat some greasy, deep-fried fish and end up inhaling it like a Hoover. Within minutes it all comes rushing back.
~ Why have I had the weirdest songs in my head lately? Two days ago it was "Valerie" by Steve Winwood, whom I greatly dislike. Today's hit - "It's Only Natural" by Crowded House.
~When did I decide not to shave any higher than right above my knee? For some reason, the razor stops there and I've never really thought about it before now.
~Why do I have a mental block about important things like answers to test questions or remembering important facts about my job, but yesterday I answered fifteen questions about this 5 years after it happened and had such an effect world events?
~What is my fascination with James from Big Brother 7? He's scrawny, has a lisp, and wears sleeveless T-shirts (which no man should EVER WEAR). I had one of "those dreams" about him and since then he makes me a little breathy when he's on the TV.
I just don't get me sometimes.


Shannon said...

Damn you Deb! For a second I couldn't remember Valerie. Now she won't get the F out of my head!
You can dream about James. At least that's allowed. Dude, I had one of those dreams recently about my new stepbrother. Ewwwwwww.

Shannon said...

Oh yeah, and I totally hear ya on the nausea/food thing. I just did that the other day with a Totinos frozen pizza. I knew the whole time I'd puke. Right up through the 5 bites I could handle. Then, well, you know the story.

wzgirl said...

Lucky for you, James is going to get a lot of airtime as this weeks HOH. Is he still with Sarah? I haven't noticed that they referenced that yet on the show?? I'm loving this season of BB.

BTW, I "tagged" you, Debra Sue. A prime opportunity to ponder a few other random things. Go to my site & look for the "tagged" post!

One week countdown to Clerks 2.

SunSticker said...

I swore I'd never have Captain D's after the last four times I ate there - but the last time, I meant it. It's nas-TAY.