Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Seriously in Need of a Calgon Moment

I have been exceptionally busy lately with work, school, C's rapidly increasing PMS, my mom's health, and my furniture dilemma.
  1. Work: Cant talk about it - moving on.
  2. School: I have two writing-intensive classes this semester. I am writing a minimum of one 12-20 page paper a week. Some weeks I have 4 papers due, all of which are due on Mondays. I have a very supportive work group. We very smartly volunteered to be the first group to present in my Curriculum Theories class. Good move - no one to compare us to and we set the bar. I am so glad I have these three women, without them I would probably rethink this whole Ed.D process.
  3. C's Rapidly Increasing PMS: Puberty is starting to crush my little lady. She's royally pissed because (this is a direct quote), "My breasts are growing too fast, and they hurt. Mommy wont let me shave my legs because she says my hair is still blonde and no one can see it, but I can and there are black ones there, Debbie I swear it! I am also getting hair. Down there. I am using my deodorant, but the other day, after gym, I did this (raises arm and sniffs) and I almost puked. I am also afraid I'm going to start my period at school, so I have been keeping a jacket or sweater to wrap around my waist just in case. I know _________ will make fun of me if she sees it. I know it!" When she paused for a breath after this incessantly long run on sentence, I asked her, "So, are you freaking out?" She rolled her eyes at me and said, "Yeah, Duh." Her dad walked in and she locked up tighter than a clam, jerked her thumb at him, muttered, "Don't tell this guy," and marched off to bed to wallow in her stinky hairiness.
  4. My Mom's Health: My mom is in menopause - yes the hormones are haunting me in every way. She was convinced she had uterine cancer after having her first period in 11 months. I kept telling her she probably ovulated because she's only 53, extremely healthy, and hey, shit happens. After 2 ultrasounds, bloodwork, and a PAP, her GYN told her, "You ovulated and you had a period." Told you so.
  5. My Furniture Dilemma: So you may have read about B and I buying new living room furniture and tables. We deliberated and finally chose the fabric and sofa on which it would cover. Well, after having 3 out of 4 tables delivered and paying 20% down on a sofa and two chairs, the furniture store called and reported that the couch we chose could not be covered in the fabric we wanted. Long story short, I complained, they're coming to get the tables, and I am getting my 20% back as well as delivery fees. We are going to La-Z-Boy this weekend. I'll keep you posted.

** I borrowed the pic from this person. Obviously, I don't have time to read her blog, but I love her art.

1 comment:

Elle said...

My 13 year old is starting to stink too! Eeewww... I am always asking if he has showered and put deodorant on. He is quite impressed with the growth of his "man hairs".

Post pics when you get your new furniture!